winkgirl4's Diaryland Diary


Third Place is still in the money, honey.

I am soooo tired. Well, I did it, boys and girls. I held the third place position beating out the cute but cocky Shane

First and second went to Wade (seated, center) and Shannon (green shirt, standing)

Sorry the images are so fuzzy. Sucky camera. Suckier camera person. But, while we are at it, want to see the black widow spider that we found the other day?

Pretty neat, huh? It�s still alive. The guys from the shop are keeping it as a pet. It seems to be doing quite well on its diet of fresh grasshoppers. Next week, we are looking into getting a copperhead. We�re all very excited about it.

Well, I�d be lying if I were to say that I haven�t had my ups and downs, here lately. Luckily, there are more ups than downs. And, of course, while I�m having my downs and I confide in poor Andy, he just tells me to �keep my pecker up.� It�s an English term and that is akin to our �keep your chin up,� I think. And I�m trying. You know, I�m not a naturally strong person. I�ve made a lot of progress in my life lately but it�s taken a lot of time and a lot of effort. And everyday I have to force myself to do things that I really just want to talk myself out of. But I do them. Because they need to be done and because, when the time comes that I do have the opportunity to partner with someone again, I need to be able to bring that to the table. Not being a naturally strong person and having to force myself to stay on track is tiresome, sometimes. I get weary. And, yesterday, I was weary. Today, I�m just tired.
That happens, though, when you stay up until 2:00 a.m. playing cards.

The weather is getting dreary, here. The Farmers Almanac predicts a wet, dreary winter for us here in Southeastern Oklahoma and I guess that it�s time. It�s time for it to cycle back around. I think that I�ve just become accustomed to the mild winters we�ve had of late and don�t really look forward to the rain and snow. Yep, you heard me. I do NOT look forward to the snow. I�m a sunshine girl. I require sun. (And believe me, if you�ve ever seen my WHITE skin, you�d agree with me.)

I denied it, recently, to a friend but I have to admit, now, that all this weight loss has caused my breasts to shrink. Hm. Not sure I like that. Not sure that I�m still a C-cup anymore. It�s a shame, really. I liked them as C�s. Oh well. Can�t go gaining the weight back just to get voluptuous breasts- that would just be silly.

Oh, boys and girls, I feel a nap coming on. Just want to curl up somewhere and snooze the day away. Anyone care to join?

11:04 a.m. - October 11, 2005


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