winkgirl4's Diaryland Diary


Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot?


What an unexpected surprise! Really. I had such a great time, last night. And believe me, for a day that started out with little hope, it was really nice to have it end so well. Oh, yeah, by the way, Happy New Years, everyone.

Before you ask, no, I did not pick up any new lovers (male or female), but, god, did I kiss a lot of people last night. (Hey, if New Years Eve isn't the night that allows you to get away with kissing a lot of people, I don't know a night that exists.)

This New Years, I was child-free and had an opportunity to really enjoy myself but didn't really know what to do. I was invited to a party at a friend's house with whom I play poker but none of my friends wanted to go and there was a slight possibility that it could turn into another card night and, well damn it, I didn't want to bring in the New Years playing cards. Several of my other friends wanted me to go with them to the Army Base- which I already knew (from past experience) leaves a lot to be desired in the excitement relm. And then there were those friends who wanted me to go with them to this white trash bar where all the crank-head girls get trashed and end up stripping on the tables. (As exciting as this sounded it was the one option I was least tempted to explore.) My sister, on the other hand, wanted me to go with her and her husband to the catholic church, where my only hope for a midnight kiss landed with several drunk, old men who promised to grope me all night while I danced to golden oldies with them. (Fun, perhaps, but I think I'll wait a few years before I have to go that route.)


So, anyway, yesterday I moped around, cleaning the house, thinking that all my options proved to be boring and/or disappointing. I know that you can't spend every year camping out on the streets of California but there could be a few New Years Eves that you don't just dread, right?

David, one of my roommates, started in on his celebrating quite early. By the time I got out of bed that morning, he had already filled the kitchen trash can with the discards of a 30-pack of beer. (His drunken glee wasn't helping matters any, I assure you.) He kept saying, come on, Heather, you should go with us to the club (the only place in our town that even comes close to being considered a club.) "Angie, his nubian-queen-girlfriend, would (hopefully) be coming down and we could all have a good time."

(Heres's an interesting fact about David: David is rather attractive and, despite the fact that his dancing ressembles something out of a Tai-Bo class- limiting how close you can dance near him, for fear of getting hit- he draws in a nice little crowd of cute, petite, blonde girls. Which he smiles at and rubs their backs, while, kindly, moving them to the side so that he can make his way to the less-fair skinned girls. And, here, it's really hard to list which race he likes more: asian, indian or african american. It's not that big of a deal, really- just an interesting fact.)

I told him that I would probably just spend it at our friends house playing cards- as fun as that might sound. After all, where else did I stand a chance of making money bringing in the new year? I mean besides taking off my top at the white trash bar?

Then Shannon came home from work.

"Come on, come to the club," he said. He explained that he was going to be bar-backing at the club and that I should really go with him and David, that " would be fun, we could all spend it together, it would beat going to so-n-so's house- I could beat them at cards next weekend."


So I went. And, as it turned out in the end, all my other friends ended up there, also. The Army Base (to my friend's surprise and despite my warnings) turned out to be a dud and the white trash bar lost it's ferver after all the cute crank-head girls took off their tops, quickly got arrested and were escorted out. Save my sister and brother, who are so deeply in love that I'm sure they weren't bound to miss me much, anyway, I was surrounded by almost all of my friends.

I danced, I laughed, I drank- moderately, having all of three drinks all night long (Oh, by the way, if you have an opportunity to drink something called "Sum Poosie with a Sweet Cherry," you probably shoudln't pass it up.) In all, I just had a wonderful time. I ran into so many people that I knew- friends from my childhood, people that I worked with, people from which I couldn't recall our acquaintance. I played silly for the first time in a really long time. I flirted, shamelessly (and believe me, I can't tell you how nice that really feels.)

At New Years, Shannon took a break and joined all of us as we counted down. We kissed- passionately and not-so-passionately. We hugged in groups and in small corners. We made expressions of endearment and understanding, of forgiveness and appreciation. It was nice. It was fun. It was more fun than I could have hoped to have had.

Really, it's hard to top sleeping out on the streets with what seemed like the entire population of California, in the arms of the man you love, waiting for the floats of the Rose Parade to appear. It really is. I don't know that I'll ever have a New Years Eve that will ever be able to rival it. But being surrounded by my friends- old and new- and feeling a happiness that had escaped me for well over a year was more than I could have hoped for. I have so much hope for this coming year- I'm not sure I could put it into words.

Happy New Years, everyone!! I wish every, single one of you the best 2005 has to offer.

1:15 p.m. - January 01, 2005


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