winkgirl4's Diaryland Diary


\"I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. I'm not touuuuuuching you.\"

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program (whereas I'm supposed to be posting the conclusion of The List 2004)to bring you this light, whimsical look at parenthood. (Partly because I haven't completed this list and partly because being slightly ill all weekend has slowed my efforts to do so.)

So, anyway. I get such a kick out of all the commercials on TV that glamourize sibling rivalry. My favorite is the one where the boy and the girl on the beach play the "I'm not touching you" game. If only because it reminds my of my children. The other day, while on the hour-long excursion from Ada to McAlester, my son, Justin, leaned against the window in an effort to sleep the drive away. This would have been ideal if Jordan had any intention of sharing that endeavor but instead I heard this:

JORDAN: Coconut. Coconut-coconut-coconut. Coconut. Coconut-coconut-coconut-coconut. Coconut-Coconut-Coconut-Coconut-Coconut-Coconut. Coconut-Coconut-Coconut. Coconut.

JUSTIN: Mom, make her stop.

JORDAN: Coconut. Coconut. Coconut. Coconut-Coconut-Coconut-Coconut-Coconut-Coconut. Coconut-Coconut-Coconut.

JUSTIN: Mommmmmmmmmm....

ME: Jordan, what are you doing? Stop that.

Jordan: I'm speaking coconut. He's only mad because he doesn't speak it, too."

I have to admit. I was giggling. ( What? It was funny.)

Then, about a week ago, Jordan found a Hello Kitty necklace in Justin's treasure box in his room and came to me with it and asked if she could have it. I told her that it wasn't mine to give. As if it's tracking device had just sounded, in walks Justin and snatches it out of her hand. "THAT'S MINE!"

There's a noted silence as we look at the decidedly girly necklace. Before I can verbalize my curiousity, Jordan counters, "It's a girls necklace."

"Yeah. I know," he say. "My girlfriend (Autumn) gave it to me."

"But it's a girl's necklace," Jordan repeats, not sure he understood the significance of the statement.

"I KNOW it's a GIRL'S necklace," Justin says boyishly. "I don't wear it, but it's still mine."

Realizing that she's lost the argument, Jordan pauses and then, after thinking on it a few seconds, says, "That's kinda gay."

Justin just looks at me. I look quickly at Jordan. I admit, I was a bit stunned. But, as soon as I was able to pull it together, I tell her, "That's not nice. Don't let me hear you say anything like that again."

Then, as if she didn't quite understand why I was admonishing her, she points out- under her breath, mind you, "Well, I wasn't calling HIM gay. I was just saying that it WAS gay."

You gotta love it. And just to prove that kids will, in fact, say the darnedest things, here's an excerpt from a letter from Andrew, today.

"Yesterday, molly and Rosie were talking about going down a water slide at a certain swimming pool. They both agreed that they liked it best when they went down with me, because I took them clean under the water whereas they bobbed up like corks. 'That's because i am a great fat lump' i said 'Daddy you're not fat' said Rosie

'No daddy' said molly 'You're not as fat as lizzie's daddy'

I wouldn't have minded, but Lizzie's dad must be at least 300 pounds!

the other day on the bus, Molly asked me if men were necessary to make babies. I answered that traditionally at least we were. Molly asked if the man climbs on top of the woman. I replied that usually that was the case. Molly asked if I had climbed on top of mummy when we made her. I replied that i had. Molly then asked, 'Did Mummy fall over because, you're quite a lot bigger than Mummy?' I explained that we did it laying down and molly told me that she knew what that was called 'doing sex'

so there you go, I must get back to the Emerald City!"

There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home.

11:39 a.m. - July 12, 2004


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