winkgirl4's Diaryland Diary



(Sorry for the brief intermission. I believe we were at me complaining about "situations".)

So, anyway, "situations." See, Brad likes to take care of "situations." Oh, wait, correction: Brad likes to take credit for situations so what Brad will do is come along and wisk situations away. You know. I don't really mind that. It actually gives me time to get other things done. But here, again, is the thing: Brad isn't going to take care of the situation. Oh, he wants to. He'd like to. He even, deep down, really intends to but he has more important things to do like run around town and talk to the clients we already have, rather than getting us new ones and taking lunches with his high school friends and meeting with his personal trainer. All the while, all of those situations get buried under stacks of other good intentions.


Until I get "return calls." Now, these return calls are from people who haven't seen any resolution to their situations. They've placed their situations in my hands not knowing that they are, now, buried under OSU schedules and unserved sales pamphlets on Brad's desk. On Brad's seat (the safest possible place to ensure his finding it) I place notes reminding him that these situations have not resolved themselves and the needers of said information have not, conveniently, disappeared. Upon his return and notice of the notice, he will relate a barely audible "Oh yeah, I meant to do that" or a "Oh god, are they still calling?" After which he may or may not make a phone call on one of the situations behalves. After several such notices are placed on his chair seat I get the dreaded, "I need you to call" request. Now this one is only slightly different from the normal "Could you Calls". This one has the undertone of, "Oh god, I've let this go for too long and now they need this information immediately." And, to make matters more frustrating, they are said with the understood "You need to drop EVERYTHING else and get this resolved, right now."

Now, this is that crucial moment where I don't create turmoil by telling him that he can finish what he started. Instead, I bite my tongue and I make the subsequent five phone calls that are required to gather the information needed to resolve the situation that should have been resolved 3 days ago. Immediately after which, Brad calls the company or individual to ensure that they got the information he... HE... HE is sending them.

What frustrates me most about this is that I AM NOT HIS FUCKING PERSONAL ASSISTANT! I am not this offices secretary. I am not this offices god damned receptionist. I am the Personnel Supervisor and Staffing Coordinator. I have a million and one things that have to be done every single fucking day that ensure that this company stays afloat. And, though I know that menial tasks have to be done by someone, I resent that, not only am I always the go-to-person, but that I'm also the one who perpetuates that belief by not standing my ground.

I can make all kinds of arguements like: standing my ground won't make a difference. These things need done and we know that he's not going to do it and if he and I are the only one's in the office then who else is going to ensure that our office continues this trend of profitability? Me.

On my wimpy-pussy behalf let me say that I have, at the very least, stood my ground a time or two about the lunch break issue. Okay. Okay. I know that I'm still not getting to take them, but I did at least stand my ground and make my point known. Didn't I?

But there, again, you see my point.

11:03 a.m. - 2004-01-27


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