winkgirl4's Diaryland Diary


Did you know?

Universal Truth #6329: Donald Duck was always naked but always wore a towel when getting out of the shower. Go figure.

Funny little facts about me that I bet you didn't know:

1. I (sometimes) wonder what I would look like with larger breasts. I have decent breasts for someone who has given birth to two children but, still, I wish they were just a little bigger.

2. I hate managing my finger nails. I hate painting them. I hate trying to get them to grow the same length. I hate trying to shape them. Clearly, I'm never going to have porn-star nails but is it too much to ask to have them all the same length?

3. I love to sing- out loud- shamelessly. I sing at the top of my lungs in the car. I sing to the radio in my office. I sing in the shower. I sing the theme songs of the sitcoms I watch. I'm not really very good at it, but I like doing it all the same.

4. I'm a competative Twister player. I'll admit that when it comes to strategy games like Chess or even Checkers, I'm not at very good offensive player. Hell, despite knowing that the best way to play Scrabble is NOT to create great words but to block the other players ability to do so, I can't help myself and I find myself chasing the leader, everytime. Not with Twister. With Twister, I know exactly where to play to limit the stability of another player. Funny, that.

5. I'm a horrible mother. Oh, I love my children. I love them so much I don't know how to reconcile all the feelings, sometimes but, still, (especially lately) I am not good at this whole mothering thing. I used to be. I used to nurture and coddle and build my children. Now, there's just all this distance. I am becoming everything that I hate about my sister, the Paranoid Alcoholic, and about my mother. I didn't want to be them- people who chose men over their children. I didn't want to look in my children's eyes and see contempt for the choices I made and, yet, here I am with contempt in mine. It's not right. Chosing my children was the right thing to do- I can't convince myself of anything else but it's so hard to respect my choice when even my children make me feel like I made the wrong one by daily telling me how much they'd rather live in RayRayLand. Maybe I haven't done complete damage to them. Maybe there's still time to fix what I've broken.

6. Man, that was depressing.

7. I don't know if I really like A&W Root Beer as much as it feels like I do but, man, I just had the best glass of Root Beer- Ever! It might have something to do with the fact that I have just been drinking water, lately, to cut down on the all the sugars that are in Kool Aid, soda and juice.

8. I'm an avid reader but I read slowly. I will sometimes re-read phrases, pages or even chapters two or three times before moving on.

9. I found out, last night, that I don't like Works Spreadsheets nearly as well as I do Excel. I can do just about anything on Excel. On Works, I'm lucky if I can do basic formulas. Of course, last night was my first attempt at using Works so maybe there's a trick to it that I don't know. I worked on a spreadsheet until 3:00 am trying to get a simple algebra formula to work. Came to work and put in on Excel and had it working in a matter of minutes.

10. The songs on the radio are breaking my heart, today. I hate light rock.

1:33 p.m. - 2003-11-10


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