winkgirl4's Diaryland Diary


A Fond Look Back

A Fond Look Back...

Let��s see. Friday night was a wash. I got Justin to his friend��s birthday party (at the skating rink) barely on time. I watched as he and his classmates fell over one another while attempting to skate or scooter for the first time. It was an interesting adventure for at least these two reasons:

�h First, I spent my entire junior high and most of my high school free time working at the local skating rink and there was time when I would piss, moan and complain about having to work these kinds of birthday parties. Of course that was at a time when I couldn't even begin to anticipate the day when my own children would be enjoying them. Furthermore, by the time I went on to other- more lucrative- forms of employment, there were very few things I couldn��t do on a pair of skates. Watching my son pull himself along the handrail and fall because of foot mismanagement, it took me back to my first experiences of trying to keep myself upright on a set of wheels. Much to my surprise, it was a good memory. Learning to skate was, maybe, one of the more painful lessons I learned in life but one of the few that I can say was well worth the pain.

�h Secondly, I found myself in the mix with a lot of my high school classmates. It seems as though all of our children are the same age and, if they aren��t in the same class at school then they are in the same extra curricular activities or just happen to live on the same block. So,as we mingled and laughed and comforted our twisted-limbed children I found myself wondering what they thought of our new associations with each other. You see, though there certainly wasn��t any animosity among us, I can tell you that it was highly unlikely that any of us were going to end up at the same parties. We graduated from a class of two hundred and eighteen students so it��s not inconceivable that some of us might not have known each other well. But, even in schools with a much lower class count, you can��t expect everyone in those classes to be the best of friends. Now, here we are- a decade later- strangely, and finally, at the same parties after all.

Justin spent the night with his friend after the birthday party and I rushed off to have dinner at my sister��s house and to visit with my Great Grandfather. By the time Shannon and I got there (about twenty minutes late) I found out that my Great Grandfather was ready to leave because of indigestion and that the dinner was running late because my Nana was at the hospital having her head examined. It seems that, as they were bringing her out of the house, my grandfather and brother-in-law dropped her wheelchair and she ended up fracturing the base of her skull. So, my Nana is sporting a new neck brace and is feeling a bit fragile but seems to be finding a quite a bit of comfort in being able to use that whole ��Oh, don��t worry, it will heal- hopefully�� thing. I love that about Nana. She kept reminding my grandfather and brother-in-law, Monte, ��It��s okay. The doctor said that even with my brittle bones, it should be okay. I don��t blame you...really. I know you didn��t do it on purpose.�� -Which I kept having to duck out of rooms to keep from laughing at. All through dinner, I��d lean over and whisper to my brother-in-law, ��Hey, it��s okay. Don��t blame yourself. She knows you didn��t do it on purpose.�� (Tee-hee-tee-hee.)

Saturday was laundry and football day. OU took Alabama, though we kind of wondered if they were going to pull it off during the first half. A 20-13 victory is a tighter game than I expected but still it puts another dash in the win column and that��s all that matters.

Later that night some friends came over and we played poker. I did okay, I guess. I came in second in a couple no limit- Hold Em�� tournaments. It came down to Shannon and I in the first game but he didn��t do quite as well in the second. Shannon likes no-limit hold em�� and he does quite well, if you can keep him from going 'all in'- ALL the time. During the second game I could tell that he was getting frustrated when it came down to the final three because all three of us play conservative. I had chip lead throughout the game and was pretty happy with my stacks but the more frustrated Shannon got, the more frustrated he was bound and determined to make me. He��d take my larger stacks and convert them into shorter stacks of chips with larger amounts in an effort to force me to bet bigger. ��Go big or go home�� he kept saying. Grr. I was home and I was winning BIG until he started forcing my hands. When it came down to the final two of us, both Mike and I were so ready to just end the game. I��d lost my chip lead by calling an all-in bet. I was sitting on an Ace high straight so I couldn��t fold- so, under quite a bit of pressure to play "like a guy" and call, I did. And I went down just like the rest of the guys because my straight couldn��t beat his boat. Not long after that (and at around 4:00 in the morning) Mike and I decided to split the pot. Which I��d have been a fool not to take as 1) Mike had chip lead by now and 2) I was getting so tired and frustrated that I was holding on to garbage and playing each hand worse than the one before. I guess it would have been different if we were really playing for big money but we weren��t. And there was no sense in staying up another four hours to prove a point. That point, most likely, being that I��m eternally bound for second place.

Sunday, I lounged around the house, did a little more unpacking and set up the fish tanks. (Now I just need to get some more fish!) There were a couple good football games on but we ended up making the mistake of thinking that Head of State was a better time investment. What were we thinking? Oh, yeah, I know. I was thinking it was okay to let my friends and family pick out the movies, again. Well anyway, we invested a whole thirty minutes before it just hurt too much to continue watching.

The rest of this week has been busy. We��re picking up three large clients that should set us for the year. But they��re high maintenance companies and I can see they are going to get in the way of our getting FE, a company we almost landed last year and am bound and determined not to let slip by, again. I would like to hire another person for our office but I don��t want the cut in financials it would ensure. We��ll just see how overwhelming these three accounts start getting.

On an up note, I think that we��ve come to an understanding about the quote misunderstanding. I was assured by the poster and by the readers of the post that, perhaps, I was the only one who might have misconstrued the intention of the quote and the subsequent ��Arrgh.�� After some discussion, we were able to come to the conclusion that I��m just venting. As much as I might hate to admit that my friend Charles is right about anything, sometimes he just is. Sometimes I��m just looking for something to be mad about. Friday, the quote did the trick. Look at me being so over that. And it's only a week later.

Well, until next time, try to keep out of trouble and remember you��re only as old as you look on your photo ID.

11:39 a.m. - 2003-09-11


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