winkgirl4's Diaryland Diary


Part III

Part III

266. Okay, I lied about posting the rest of these the nest day.

267. I don�t always have great follow through.

268. I hate having to put things off for the sake of running around like a crazy lunatic that looks like she�s getting things accomplished.

269. I love those little coconut covered Zingers that pretend that their red-food coloring tastes like raspberries.

270. Every now and then I get so caught up in a kiss that everything just becomes fuzzy and I might as well have my eyes closed.

271. I love toe rings.

272. I wear clip on earrings.

273. It pisses me off that I can�t find really great clip on earrings.

274. I hate dusting.

275. I�m too generous when people need things.

276. I would give my last dollar to a homeless person.

277. This behavior has gotten me in trouble in the past.

278. Most of the people who know me, know me for what I can do for them rather than who I am.

279. If I were ever indulgent enough to have cosmetic surgery I would have liposuction performed on that outer portion of my thighs that won�t seem to get any smaller no matter how many squats I do or reps on that medieval torture device called the thigh master.

280. Or maybe I�d have liposuction done on my upper arms.

281. I�m not at a place where I�d feel comfortable having cosmetic surgery.

282. I want to DANCE , right fucking now!!

283. Sometimes I just want to twirl around like a ballerina- just for the hell of it.

284. I am a Ballerina- to hell with what everyone else thinks.

285. Of all the forms of self expression, my two favorites are dancing and sex.

286. I don�t get to do either near enough.

287. If I had a choice to be anything else in nature, I�d be a tree.

288. I think that the glass is half full with the potential to become full again, if I just put enough effort into it.

289. I always wanted blue eyes.

290. When I see pretty, blue eyes, I secretly want to poke them- out of spite.

291. I was a horrible biter as a child.

292. I didn�t give up biting until I was around ten.

293. When I think about that, I can�t help but laugh.

294. I used to bite people just to see their reaction.

295. I never sucked on my thumb.

296. I never let my children suck on a pacifier or their thumb and I broke them of the bottle early.

297. I gave into the pressure of letting my children believe in Satan Clause Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

298. Whenever I come home from a night of dancing, I can�t ever imagine what I looked like on the dance floor.

299. I think that�s probably a good thing.

300. I love HOT weather.

301. I want to be on the beach, right now, curling my toes into the sand.

302. I�d rather be naked than wear bathing suits.

303. I�d really like to get back into the theater.

304. I�d like to design/sew the costumes for one really great play.

305. I�d love for Christian and I to do a theater project together.

306. I want one more chance to be on the stage just to prove that I can.

307. I want to stop fucking around and write.

308. I have a series of children stories that I think could have potential if I�d ever send them out for publication.

309. I derive a perverse thrill out of opening children�s minds by warping them.

310. I am teaching my children the art of sarcasm.

311. I don�t think that I coddle my children.

312. I don�t give them enough space, though.

313. Yeah, I do think those two things can be separated.

314. I want to re-build an old car just to prove that I can.

315. If I could be doing anything, right now, I�d be lying out in the grass, letting the breeze float over me.

316. I have to fight the urge to look for cars with style ( like rag top bugs) rather than economical cars.

317. I want to be kissed so badly RIGHT NOW that I can feel it in the pit of my stomach.

318. That�s not where I want to be kissed.

319. The best compliment I�ve received lately: "You�re catty. I like that."

320. When I�m stressed I really like to hear stories about other people.

321. My favorite catch phrase (stolen from my best friend Casey): �Tell me a story about a beautiful princess named Heather.�

322. I don�t really like the taste of beef.

323. If I eat steak it has to be cooked medium rare.

324. If I eat hamburgers I like 'everything' on it.

325. I like hotdogs with chili, cheese, mustard, and onions.

326. I love me some rocky road ice cream.

327. I love Cherries Pecans and Cream ice cream almost as much.

328. Man, I�m hungry.

329. Foods I can�t eat without automatically feeling like I need to regurgitate them: liver and/or cooked cabbage.

330. When I watch movies I eat red licorice instead of popcorn.

331. I prefer mustard to ketchup.

332. I prefer fruit flavored soft drinks to colas.

333. I prefer water to soft drinks.

334. I prefer fruits and vegetables to meat.

335. I�ve got to stop talking about food or I�ll eat my own hand.

336. I watched a video this weekend and noticed that I�m happiest with my family when I�m drunk.

337. I don�t remember ever being that drunk before.

338. I�m sure I have been.

339. I�m a real flirty drunk.

340. When I get drunk, I have a habit of practicing for the sobriety test.

341. Once while� uhm� less than sober, I learned to count to ten in 5 languages for the sole purpose of trying to fool a police officer into thinking that I was sober.

342. Something that made me laugh today: Someone came in and signed my �Sign-in� sheet like this :

Name: Garth Brooks

Phone Number: 1-800-HOT-BOYS

Type of job applying for: Singer

How did you hear about us: Followed the car in front of me.

343. I wish I knew who did it. I�d work extra hard to get him a job.

344. There sure are a lot of people around here who are missing most of their teeth.

345. I�m a post-it note queen!

346. I sometimes have so many post-it notes around my computer that I lose information.

347. I shake the foundation of things.

348. I have a fun office.

349. I like working with Brad.

350. I think we work well together.

351. I�m going to miss this job.

352. I will regret not going to California.

353. And not JUST for Christian�s sake.

354. Christian will be here in two days.

355. I�m as giddy as a school-girl who hasn�t had sex for four months.

Well, that�s 90 more. Whew. I hate leaving it at such and odd number but we�ll see what we can do about that. Feel free to leave me a note or sign my guestbook and tell me what you think. I�m always open to free therapy.

5:05 p.m. - 2003-04-14


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