winkgirl4's Diaryland Diary


The List (Part III)

I'll add the last 35 after lunch. But, here's your appetizer:

201. Sometimes I get in moods when I just want to listen to country music.

202. That�s usually around the time that I want chase sleeping pills with buttery nipples and pick people off with high-powered rifles.

203. I learn the words to country songs much more quickly than pop or rap songs.

204. This pisses me off.

205. Country songs stay in your head longer than pop songs.

206. This usually contributes to the wanting to chase sleeping pills with buttery nipples and the need to pick people off with high-powered rifles.

207. I could use a buttery nipple right now. (Make that four.)

208. My nipples are hard right now. (Brad keeps turning down the air conditioner.)

209. I realize that, by the time you read this, that last statement might not be true.

210. I don�t really like my son�s name.

211. I�ve considered sneaking off and having his name changed.

212. I�d never do it but I�ve considered it.

213. I don�t even remember what I was going to name him.

214. For all I know, he could be going by Zanzabar, right now. I doubt it, but who knows.

215. I HATE my car.

216. There are so many things wrong with my car that no one but me would be capable of driving it. I�m the only one who knows the combinations of things you have to do to get the break lights and blinkers to work at the same time, not to mention the secret skill it takes to get into the trunk or to get the passenger side window to roll down.

217. I�m so cheap, I keep telling myself that it can make it another 20,000 miles.

218. I only need to keep it until I move to California.

219. I�m NOT going to like being without a car in California.

220. It�s going to be a point of frustration for me.

221. As much as I want my son to be exposed to a wider variety of cultures than McAlester, Oklahoma provides, I�m nervous about his ability to fit in when we move to L.A.

222. My four-year-old daughter can sing �God Bless America� key-perfect, hitting all the high notes.

223. Her rendition includes the phrases :�Gawd Bwess Amewica,� �From the mountains to the fairies,� and �Oceans white with snow�.

224. My daughter is more like me than I would like to admit.

225. I try to blame all the annoying traits of my children on their father and his side of the family.

226. My sisters are drama mongers.

227. My eldest sister, Michelle, is a paranoid alcoholic whom I love but have little ability to tolerate.

228. I find that, much like Raymond, I have to use direct comments and small words with her and, even then, if the word Randy (her obsession) isn�t included, she still probably won�t hear it.

229. I procrastinate.

230. It�s the behavior I least like about myself.

231. I have obsessive compulsive qualities.

232. I have a fear that I might become a wastrel so I�m a spend-thrift, instead.

233. Even when I have had ample time and resources, I wait until the last minute to do things just to be safe.

234. I have trust issues.

235. I prefer liquid soap to bars.

236. I have secret evil tendencies that make me rub my hands together and shrug with mischievous smiles.

237. It�s one of my favorite qualities.

238. I like saying things for shock value- especially to my family.

239. It�s one of the few ways I can tolerate me.

240. I know my sisters love me more than probably anyone else does.

241. They wish I were a little less odd.

242. They wish I were attracted to people who were less like me.

243. I didn�t think that I would, but MAN, do I love push up bras!?

244. One of my dreams is to write a book.

245. If I ever do, it will probably suck.

246. I will still probably be proud of it.

247. I�ve had two poems published in the past year.

248. I�m not that great of a poet.

249. I LOVE musicals.

250. Sometimes I think that makes me gay. (Then I realize I am- but only on my father�s side.)

251. I think that artistic dancing is underrated.

252. When I was a little girl, I used to want to be a ballerina.

253. I have the thighs of five ballerinas.

254. I announced to my parents that I wanted to be a writer, Christmas 1980.

255. I registered for beauty school, June 1988. I never went.

256. I registered for East Central University, April 1989.

257. I met Christian in an Audio/Visual Skills class at ECU 1990.

258. I believe I liked him before he liked me.

259. I didn�t think he�d like a girl like me.

260. I entered Rolling Hills Mental Health Facility, January 1991.

261. I drove my car into to the woods late one night, August 1991, and drove out that next morning, alive and disappointed.

262. I lost a lot of people in my life after that.

263. Until now, only two people knew about that night.

264. Those people didn�t know until two years ago.

265. I kiss with my eyes open- most of the time.

12:15 p.m. - 2003-04-10


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