winkgirl4's Diaryland Diary


Looking a gift horse in the mouth was never this much fun, before

Have joined a dating service. I know, like 'omigod', right? Yeah, that's the way it feels but, hey, if it can work for Charles, why couldn't it work for me?

Well, I'm beginning (after only ten minutes or so of having created this profile) to get antsy. Did I say the right thing? Did I mark the right boxes? Did I show enough nipple? A couple of those choices were ambiguous- what if I marked one box incorrectly and just because I enjoy watching sports, he somehow thinks I'm some amazon who went to college on a basketball scholarship and that I jog four hours a day and, when he sees the rest of my profile and realizes that I'm really just this short, average girl who could more likely pass for the basketball than the basketball player that my Mr. Right might just click on the "not interested" box below my name? Is this really how you meet Mr. Right?

To be quite honest, I had a few extra minutes at the end of the day and was checking my email, the ad looked catchy and I thought "why not, this should be interesting." But now I have a profile. I HAVE A PROFILE!!! And, now, I have emails coming in from every sixty year old bachelor within a hundred mile radius. (Man,I have got to find a more useful way of spending the last few minutes of the day!)

On the other hand, Charles is happy, right? He found true love. He found the love of his life and his wife and the mother of his children similarly, this could work for me too, huh? No offense, Charles, but I'm not putting a lot of stock in my chances here.

Let's see what awaits me in my email box:
(Will it seem like mocking if I share this with you? Surely not! You guys are my friends, right? You are here to support me in my endeavor to be happy. This is just me helping you help me do that, huh? (Siiigh) Okay. Okay. You talked me into it.

First email: " I like your picture. You have pretty hair." ...Not bad. I realize that this isn't an easy process. That's not that bad a beginning...I guess. After all, that picture was taken on a good hair day. Still, there's no picture of him. Wonder why? Should I ask for one? Hm. I don't know. We're going to shelve him for a few. Let's look at the next one.

Oh wait! The next one has a photo and a fully expressive email. AND a really interesting profile. Not bad. He "liked a lot of what [I] said in [my] profile" (though it would seem that there were parts that he didn't quite care for. Hm. Guess we'll have to get back to that.) Let's see, what else? He likes honesty. I like honesty. That's good. He values trust in a relationship. I value trust in a relationship. Hey, this is going pretty good. WAIT A MINUTE!!! Who doesn't value honesty and trust in a relationship? (Sigh.) Well, he did seem interesting. We'll write him back. After all, he said he's an open book- perhaps this is my opportunity to find out what percentage of my profile he found "uninteresting."

Oh, hey. Here's a LOCAL guy. No traveling, I like that. He's older. I like that, too. Hey, he's even cute. ...Facial hair. Hm... Not sure about the facial hair, but then again, it's nicely trimmed. Let's see his profile. ...Well, according to his user name, he's "OK." Well, that's good enough for me. Oh, he's also 47. (Still within my dating range.) I know. I know, this is where YOU, my dear friends come in and suggest that perhaps that's a little old for a trollup like me but let me say this: while the young guys my age are all out looking for girls who just spent their twenty-first birthday throwing up in the bathroom at the club, I am looking for someone a bit more mature. Come on, I don't want another Peter Pan, so what am I to do? Besides, he looks like he's in good shape. Oh, great!!! Neither of us believe in this enough to shell out the dough to go SUPER GOLD or whatever it is that you have to do to initiate contact beyond the "send them one of these pre-set quotes to tell them you show interest" things. Even better!More choices. Now, which one of these applies to me? Do I like his photo? That seems shallow. No. Not that one. Do I want to say "Hey there!" Oh, god, no! Do I look like all my bling bling is in the right place and that I'm ready to ask him what his 'sign' is? No. Absolutely not. Moving on. Maybe it's "I just wanted to say Hi." Well, that's partially true but he initiated contact so if that were REALLY true, I'd have done it first, right? Oh, here's one: "I liked your essay." Do I like his essay? Well, yeah, it was okay. Yeah, maybe that's what we'll pick. ...Okay, DONE.

Oh WAIT!!! He just sent an 'interest preset reply' back saying "I'd like to talk to you." Now how does this work? Oh... I see, now. It's all about getting our hopes up and dangling Mr. Possibly Right right in front of us, isn't it? I see your game, now you evil, evil matchmaker site. If I want to meet him or get any contact information from him at all I am going to have to dish out the $30.00. Siiiigh. Well, what if I DO dish out the thirty bucks and he turns out to be Mr. Absolutely Wrong? That's thirty smackers, man. That's... let's see... one hundred forty...carry the three...add the two... yes, that's one hundred and forty five packages of Ramen Noodles (Man, I loved that game in college.) (Siiiigh) I don't know. Let's just see how it goes out in the real world. If things don't look up, I guess I'll just have to charge it to my credit card.

Do I really sigh that much?

5:50 p.m. - October 13, 2005


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