winkgirl4's Diaryland Diary


More on \"The Twit and Andy Show\"

And the Correspondence continues...

My very dearest fiddling and flustered merryweather,

Sorry for delay in corresponding. I hope that you are well. Thanks for the 'open' letter! I must be brief so syntax will suffer.

Sorry that weekend was no good. Ray ray being mean but then you are planning something even meaner!

Farmer sounds immature but then perhaps I'm just getting old!

Just a gut feeling, but he doesn't seem right for you. I feel even Shannon might be more suitable but who am i to's just an instinct

Did you do anything so terribly wrong at theatre? I'm glad the play was so good - i'd have loved to have been there. I watched machurian candidate in tv with helen. She likes Frank Sinatra but i detest the little twat but it wasn't that version but i feel thet that version would have been better not that i've seen it but this one wasn't very good and first versions usually are better.


P.S. Are you there or what?


Yes, I am here and bursting at the seams with work. I am also in this tremendous mood. I have decided to convince myself that I've blown the whole fiddling thing out of proportion and that, perhaps, no one in the line noticed the seven times I felt the need to touch him.

The farmer, who is eight years my senior, is a rather inward person who needs coaxing- usually from a beer or two. Am up in the air about this as he's old enough and responsible enough (normally) that it shouldn't be my concern but there's also a hint of it that reminds me of my mother.

I've not seen said movie. Have thought to sit and watch it a time or two but have not, yet. May not, now. Thank you for your review. That may just have saved me very valuable time.

The weekend was not all a wash. I had a very good time with my sisters and had a wonderful time at the play- even if the travel to and from was (probably unnecessarily) pensive.

Did you enjoy the time with Helen.

On a side note, I received a rather overwhelming kiss from the hated-Shannon. (Boy can he kiss.) Still he was drunk and I don't expect it to happen again- believe me.
What's it with the drunk pursuers this weekend?
I am, as ever, your

"To be happy with a man you have to understand him a lot and love him less , be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and never ever try to understand her !." ~Bhalchandra~


Glad to hea you're okay!

I couldn't agree more with your little quote today!

I had a wonderful weekend gardening with both girls separately. they both told me how much they enjoyed being with me which massaged my little ego. It was beautifully warm but cold as winter today. Rosie also informed me that she said to her little friend Lizzie, "My dad is so sad because he always thinks that he is cool!' to which little Lizzie, god bless her and love her to bits replied, "Well I think that your dad is cool!"

But then, compared to her dad, I really am cool.

There, i always go and spoil things don't I?

Glad you enjoyed slobbering kiss from Shannon - but I believe that you are the better kisser - For myself, I can't kiss to save my life - much happier with a handshake.

Enjoyed weekend with helen although my refusal to drive justifiably annoyed her. we plod along harmoniously enough - like well worn shoes - that's what 20 years of habit does for you!

Warmest of regards and rudest of intentions



Dearest Andy,

I'm so a kisser. I love it. But then, again, I have an oral fixation. If I didn't abhor the whole tobacco industry so much, I'd probably be a smoker. As it is, I satiate my need to have things on my tongue but keeping lollipops handy, engaging in (the less-frequent) felatio and randomly kissing strangers- all of which have turned a head or two.
The tongue is such a sensitive organ to simply waste it on moving food from the tooth to the gullet, don't you think? It's heaven to have it wrapped around something with texture. Scintillating. Absolutely scintillating. (By the way, don't you love opportunities where you can use the word "scintillating"?)

I think that you are cool and the girls will come in and out of that belief. Give it time, by week's end you could, again, be the coolest dad on the block. I am, however, far too demanding and motherly to be cool. Father's are better at being cool than mothers, I think. Our attempts come off as being a bit pathetic, really.




There is nothing more pathetic than my attempts to be cool and the girls
love me for it

Mind you, a while back, i was shutting the garage door, Which is an 'up and
under' affair and I instinctively used my foot to 'boot' it down the last
four feet or so and little Rosie said 'Wow, Dad, that was really cool!!'

You see, if i don't think about it, or try too hard, I can pull it off -
mind you, your talk about your sensitive tongue has made me want to [Edited for adult content]
but i'm just being crude there

see you later


7:28 a.m. - May 18, 2005


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